The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
BASIC Source File
118 lines
'EMS analysis program for PowerBASIC #2.00
'This program determines whether Expanded Memory (EMS) is available on
'your system. If so, it displays the segment of the "page frame". The
'page frame is the 64K of real mode memory through which EMS is accessed.
'If your EMS driver locates the page frame below segment A000 (hex), the
'total memory available to PowerBASIC is actually reduced due to memory
'fragmentation. It is best not to use such an EMS driver with PowerBASIC.
'Please note that I have modified the original version of EMSFRM and
'shown how to get some more EMS information. I "lifted" the code from
'some assembly programs I has lying around. -Rober Barrett
%AX = 1: %BX = 2: CX = 3: %DX = 4: %SI = 5: %DI = 6
%BP = 7: %DS = 8: %ES = 9% 'register equates for REG
memlimit& = 640 * 1024 / 16
def fndigs$(h%) = right$("000"+hex$(h%),4)
print "EMSFRM: EMS Page Frame Analyzer for PowerBASIC #2.00": print
reg %AX, &h3567
call interrupt &h21 'check for EMS presence
def seg = reg(%ES)
if peek$(10,8)<>"EMMXXXX0" then goto NoEMS
reg %AX, &h4100
call interrupt &h67 'get EMS page frame in BX, status in AH
if (reg(%AX) AND &h0FF00) <> 0 then goto NoEMS
print "Your system contains EMS memory. The page frame is located at"
print "segment ";fndigs$(reg(%BX));" (hex). PowerBASIC will use this 64K ";
print "frame to store"
print "the source file that is being compiled."
'here if we have EMS -- now check page frame
pframe& = cvl(mki$(reg(%BX))+chr$(0,0))
if pframe& < memlimit& then 'page frame in low memory -- useless
print "Since the page frame is located in the main 640K of memory (below"
print "segment A000 hex), using the EMS driver that is currently present in"
print "your system will actually reduce the memory available to PowerBASIC"
print "during compilation, due to memory fragmentation. In order to make"
print "better use of your resources, you should install an EMS driver which"
print "places its page frame at or above segment A000."
else 'page frame in high memory -- okay
print "You may wish to run DOS' CHKDSK program before and after loading"
print "your EMS driver, in order to determine how much of your main 640K"
print "memory the driver uses. If your driver requires a large portion"
print "of memory (48-64K for example), you may not gain much additional"
print "compilation space by using your EMS with PowerBASIC."
end if
reg %AX, &h4200 'get available EMS pages
call interrupt &h67
NumberofPages = reg(%BX) 'available pages in BX
TotalPages = reg(%DX) 'total pages in DX
print "Your system has a total of";TotalPages;"EMS pages with";NumberOfPages
print "of them available at this moment"
reg %AX, &h4000 'Check to see if EMS OK, if AL=0 then OK
call interrupt &h67
if (reg(%AX) AND &h0FF00) = 0 then
print "EMS reports that it is OK"
print "EMS does not report OK"
end if
reg %AX, &h4600 'Get EMS version (returned in AX)
call interrupt &h67
EMSVersion$ = hex$(reg(%AX))
EMSVersion$ = left$(EmsVersion$,1) + "." + right$(EMSVersion$,1)
print "EMS version number is ";EMSVersion$
reg %AX, &h4B00 'Get number of handles in use (from BX)
call interrupt &h67
NumberofHandles = reg(%BX)
print "There are currrently";NumberofHandles;"handles in use:"
for x% = 1 to NumberofHandles
reg %AX, &h4C00
reg %DX, x%
call interrupt &h67
HandleSize = reg(%BX)
if x% = 1 then HandleSize = HandleSize + 1
print using "Handle:## Pages in use:###";x%,HandleSize
next x%
'As to why I add 1 to the size of the first handle, I can only say that
'other programs of this type always reported the first handle as being one
'larger than my program did until I added the part to add 1 to its size.
'Also, this makes the numbers of pages in use per handle add up to the
'total number of pages in use as reported by the EMS manager. Given that
'I know little/nothing about EMS, it could very well be that the EMS manager
'uses 1 page (the page frame?) for overhead. -Robert Barrett
print "Your system does not appear to contain any EMS memory."